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Ciao Tony!

Thank you for having my work at your place. Here is a page with a few words about the piece.

I hope you enjoy!


This painting is part of a series entitled Sketchbook, it started during the period of my residency at Palazzo Monti, in Italy, in November 2018.


The title Sketchbook reveals its concept of an ongoing drawing: a fluid composition of different references from History and Art.


Particularly, in this case, many different historic objects live together in this wild Brazilian garden: fragments of Greek-roman statues, two African masks, and an Egyptian symbol in blue.


One special reference is the yellow-green plant in the bottom right corner called "Espada de São Jorge" [Sword of Saint George], a very popular plant in Brazil, used in rituals as a protective plant against evil.


Finally, the canvas bring together many different instances of protection, cultures, and nature.



Sketchbook IV Aturdido, 2019

Acrylic and pencil on linen

150 x 130 cm





Palazzo Monti, Brescia





Umbigo do Desejo

Quadra, Rio





Umbigo do Desejo

Quadra, Rio


Retrato matheus.jpg



Studio's view

São Paulo


For available works, please contact the gallery :) 

um beijo,


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